• E-Petition Details
  • E-Petition Text
  • Your Details
  • Confirmation

E-Petition Details


To get your E-Petition before the Queensland Parliament, it MUST be sponsored by The Clerk of Parliament or a Member of Parliament. You can request ANY member of the Queensland Parliament to sponsor your petition. Unsure of your local Member? Click HERE


Remember: You can request any member of the Queensland Parliament to sponsor your petition, it does not need to be your local member, nor does it mean the member agrees with your petition. The Clerk is available to sponsor your E-Petition.

Closing Date

An E-Petition can be open for a minimum of one week and a maximum of six months from the date of posting to the website.

Tip: Consider when the Parliament is sitting. Once your petition closes it will be tabled on the next scheduled sitting date. The sitting calendar can be viewed HERE

Petition Subject

Tip: The petition subject is the title of the petition, and is what attracts people to sign your petition.

TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland