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12 Sep 2024
Daily Agenda (Notice Paper)
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* Private Members Bill

57th Parliament

Bills updated in the last week
Arts (Statutory Bodies) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Introduced by:

Hon L Enoch MP on 11/9/2024

Stage reached:

Referred to Committee on 11/9/2024

Child Safe Organisations Bill 2024

Introduced by:

Hon C Mullen MP on 12/6/2024

Stage reached:

PASSED on 11/9/2024

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill

Introduced by:

Hon S Fentiman MP on 11/9/2024

Stage reached:

Referred to Committee on 11/9/2024

Bills Register - 57th Parliament
Short Title Bill Exp Note Introduced by (date) Stage reached (date) Amendaments Assent Date Act No. Commences

Bills updated in the last week

Arts (Statutory Bodies) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 Hon L Enoch MP (11/9/2024) Referred to Committee (11/9/2024) Bill
Exp Note
Statement of Compatibility
Child Safe Organisations Bill 2024 Hon C Mullen MP (12/6/2024) PASSED (11/9/2024) Bill
Exp Note
Statement of Compatibility
Explanatory Speech
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill Hon S Fentiman MP (11/9/2024) Referred to Committee (11/9/2024) Bill
Exp Note
Statement of Compatibility
Progressive Coal Royalties Protection (Keep Them in the Bank) Bill 2024 Hon C Dick MP (23/5/2024) PASSED (12/9/2024) Bill
Exp Note
Statement of Compatibility
Explanatory Speech
Tobacco and Other Smoking Products (Vaping) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 Hon S Fentiman MP (12/6/2024) PASSED with amendment (11/9/2024) Bill
Exp Note
Statement of Compatibility
Explanatory Speech
AinC govt agreed
AinC exp note
AinC statement of compatibility
Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 Hon Y D'Ath MP (12/6/2024) PASSED with amendment (11/9/2024) Bill
Exp Note
Statement of Compatibility
Explanatory Speech
AinC govt agreed
AinC exp note
AinC statement of compatibility
  • An * at the end of the Bills Short Title indicates the Bill is a Private Members Bill
  • An indicates explanatory notes are available
  • An indicates erratum to explanatory notes is available
  • An indicates a bill is available