School bus transport in The Gap/Ashgrove/Bardon areas

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Guy Allen Coaldrake
3/599 Payne Road
The Gap QLD 4061
Total Signatures - 6
Sponsoring Member: Kate Jones MP
Posting Date: 26/3/2008
Closing Date: 30/4/2008
Tabled Date: 1/5/2008
Responded By: Hon John Mickel MP on 6/6/2008
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Citizens draws to the attention of the House: Lack of direct school bus transport from The Gap/Ashgrove/Bardon areas attending school on Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill (ie. St Joseph’s College, Gregory Tce, Boys Grammar, Girls Grammar and the city, ie All Hallows.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:

1. Provide an afternoon school bus direct from Gregory Tce, Spring Hill to Red Hill/Ashgrove/Bardon/The Gap (the same route as the 740 bus service in the morning).

2. Provide a morning bus for All Hallows students following the same route as the 740 bus in the mornings that is currently running for the Gregory Tce schools and provide a similar direct service in the afternoons.

School bus transport in The Gap/Ashgrove/Bardon areas