Penalties for assault against persons doing their lawful duty

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
E.R Dalgliesh
2 Carpenter Way
Sandstone Point QLD 4511
Total Signatures - 485
Sponsoring Member: Carryn Sullivan MP
Posting Date: 15/4/2008
Tabled Date: 15/4/2008
Responded By: Hon Kerry Shine MP on 29/5/2008
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of Electors of the Division of Pumicestone are concerned that the penalty provision of the Criminal Code section Assault 114.(1)(a)(vi) is inadequate in its deterrence of the act of assault against a person performing their lawful duty. (e.g. ambulance officers, teachers, casualty nurses, paramedics, police officers, general medical practitioners, and the like "other persons").

Your petitioners therefore request the House to amend the Criminal Code to the provision for mandatory minimum sentences for assault in the cases of section Assault 114.(1)(a)(vi). (e.g. for assault in the form of spitting or striking = imprisonment of one month; for the assault in the form of punching to cause serious injury = imprisonment for six months.)