Northern Link Tunnel Opposition

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Mark Beilby
91 Beck Street
Paddington QLD 4064
Total Signatures - 228
Sponsoring Member: Hon Andrew Fraser MP
Posting Date: 11/7/2008
Closing Date: 11/1/2009
Tabled Date: 11/2/2009
Responded By: Hon Rachel Nolan MP on 11/6/2009
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Citizens draws to the attention of the House: That the road tunnel experiences in Australia highlight that road tunnels do not alleviate traffic congestion. Evidence shows that road tunnels in Australia only add to traffic congestion while concentrating traffic pollution. The user pays principle of tolling tunnel projects in Australia to recuperate costs has not worked, leaving tax and ratepayers to pay the bill. Additionally, in the case of the Northern Link Tunnel there is the very real potential to destroy the social cultural and historical fabric of the Inner Western suburbs of Brisbane, the suburbs that define Brisbane both nationally and internationally.

Rising oil prices is changing driving behaviours and global warming demands a different solution.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House: Not to build the Northern Link Tunnel, instead implement sustainable alternatives, with due consideration being given to enhanced public transport systems and traffic minimisation schemes.

Northern Link Tunnel Opposition