Idabu Pontoon, Thursday Island

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Cairns
Principal Petitioner:
Larry James
PO Box 1
Total Signatures - 236
Sponsoring Member: Jason O'Brien
Posting Date: 26/11/2008
Tabled Date: 26/11/2008
Responded By: Hon John Mickel MP on 20/1/2009
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of the electors of the Division of Cook draws to the attention of the House the:

• dilapidated condition of the Idabu pontoon on Thursday Island;
• inaccessibility of the facility at medium and low tides;
• lack of infrastructure there to cater for the aged and disabled; and
• unauthorised use of the pontoon by commercial operators since they are provided with no other suitable moorings.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to:

• repair the pontoon to a serviceable condition;
• dredge the surroundings to allow accessibility at all tides;
• modify the design to give access to the aged and disabled; and
• erect a sign directing commercial operators away from the pontoon.