Referendum to stop fluoride and recycled sewage being added to drinking water

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Joan Hoare
PO Box 9343
Total Signatures - 1200
Sponsoring Member: Ray Stevens MP
Posting Date: 11/2/2009
Tabled Date: 11/2/2009
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of Queensland draws to the attention of the House:

(1) 'Queensland Government Position Statement Water Fluoridation 2003' acknowledged that water fluoridation is unethical mass medication without the express consent of the community.
(2) a survey conducted by the Local Government Association of Queensland in 2005 found nearly 70% wanted a statewide Referendum before fluoridation should occur.
(3) the precedent set by Deniliquin Council in providing free Reverse Osmosis Filters for people with medical certificates stating they were at risk from fluoridated water.
(4) there is no conclusive data as to the harmful effects on humans of adding 100% recycled sewage directly to drinking water.
(5) it is not possible to test for or remove all chemicals and pathogens from recycled sewage.
(6) hazard identification is proposed to be self-regulated by the private water provider.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to:

(1) Hold a State-wide Referendum to ascertain the views of voters on the addition of fluoride chemicals and/or recycled sewage to Queensland public water supplies.
(2) Place a moratorium on these additions to public water supplies until the result of the Referendum is known.
(3) If voters approve of these additions at Referendum, provide full subsidy for purchase and installation of Reverse Osmosis water filters for people providing medical certificates that they are at risk from fluoridated water or toxins from recycled sewage.