Construction of high voltage overhead power lines (Loganlea to Jimboomba upgrade) along and across the Logan River and the Logan River floodplain

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Sally Mackle
VETO - Veto Enertex Towers Organisation
Total Signatures - 262
Sponsoring Member: John Mickel MP
Posting Date: 22/4/2009
Closing Date: 6/9/2009
Tabled Date: 15/9/2009
Responded By: Hon Stephen Robertson MP on 30/11/2009
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the community’s total opposition to the construction of this power line because it will be a permanent obtrusive and dangerous structure that will cause: damage to this unique environment by destroying vegetation, native animal habitat and resulting in erosion of the riverbank, the loss of community amenity and visual amenity (restricting current and future uses of the river by visitors and residents and spoiling this beautiful green landscape and valuable community asset); potential health and safety risks to residents, maintenance and emergency workers during floods and to grazing and native animals; and adverse impacts on property values.

The House should note that the construction of this power line totally contradicts the principles of the Queensland Government’s Towards Q2 plan (Green Qld – Protecting our Lifestyle and Environment) which stresses the need to 'protect our natural landscapes' and to 'retain the green spaces between neighbourhoods and regions that create a natural break in our built environment and protect areas that support our unique native wildlife and fragile ecosystems'.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to bring pressure to bear on Energex NOT to proceed with this route for the Loganlea to Jimboomba network upgrade and to choose a better and safer route (preferably underground) from the numerous viable alternatives that are available.

Construction of high voltage overhead power lines (Loganlea to Jimboomba upgrade) along and across the Logan River and the Logan River floodplain