Opposition to amend the Discrimination Law Amendment Bill 2002

Eligibility - Citizens of Queensland
Principal Petitioner:
Mrs Theresa Burleigh
16 Linville Court
Total Signatures - 665
Sponsoring Member: Mrs E Cunningham MP
Posting Date: 12/9/2002
Tabled Date: 29/11/2002
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This Petition of Citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the
House our total opposition to the current bill to amend the
Discrimination Law Amendment Bill 2002 on the basis that these amendments

• Compel Christian schools and Christian organisations to employ
homosexual and lesbian teachers and staff who hold views contrary to
their teaching;
• Compel non government hospitals to employ homosexual and lesbian staff
• Permit people having sex change operations to change the sex on their
birth certificates to deny their birth gender
• Give same sex partners the right to turn off life support
• Redefine “spouse” to include homosexual and lesbian partners
• Give superannuation entitlements to homosexual and lesbian partners
• Extend anti vilification laws to include homosexuals and lesbians

Your petitioners therefore request the House to oppose the Discrimination
Law Amendment Bill 2002.