Objection to the proposal to build a gas-fired power station at the corner of Boland Land and Mulgowie Road, Laidley South

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Anita Morrison
4 Lester Lane
Total Signatures - 1586
Sponsoring Member: Ian Rickuss MP
Posting Date: 20/5/2009
Tabled Date: 20/5/2009
Responded By: Hon Kate Jones MP on 6/7/2009
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House a proposal to build a gas-fired power station at the corner of Boland Land and Mulgowie Road, Laidley South.

We the undersigned, object to this proposal on the grounds that it will cause visual, noise and smell pollution and that emission pollution will risk long-term human, animal and environmental health. This scenic area in the Laidley Valley is an area of prime agricultural land, populated by farming families living in close proximity to the proposed site.

Considering that this valley is subject to strong seasonal winds from the south and south-west, we further object to the proposed site being only 4 kilometres being only 4 kilometres from Laidley town to the north, one of the state’s fastest growing communities, on the grounds of possible air and water contamination.

We object to the long-term health risks for those people living close by and to the risk of soft contaminants degrading prime vegetable and cattle growing land across the Laidley Valley.

We object to the visual pollution of a power station positioned at the entrance to the Laidley Valley and believe that construction of such a facility would have detrimental effects on all landholders in the area since the power station would be seen from up to 25 kilometres away. We believe that more appropriate sites are available.