Upgrade the Kennedy Highway in and around the township of Ravenshoe

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Rose Sutton
PO Box 836
Total Signatures - 1129
Sponsoring Member: Shane Knuth MP
Posting Date: 4/8/2009
Tabled Date: 4/8/2009
Responded By: Hon Craig Wallace MP on 28/9/2009
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Ravenshoe and surrounds draws to the attention of the House the current permit system utilised by Main Roads Department, local primary producers and transport operators to transport produce, hay and machinery is not suitable to road users. There is no permanent B-Double route for the transportation of goods in and around the township of Ravenshoe causing increased costs to farmers, increased traffic through the centre of town and difficulties for transporters to satisfy fatigue management requirements.

Your petitioners therefore request the house to urgently upgrade a number of areas on the Kennedy Highway from the East Evelyn Road junction to and the intersection of the Kennedy Highway and Tumoulin Road and designate this route permanently for B Doubles. This intersection is a black spot area and is a dangerous intersection for all road users not just B-Doubles and has inadequate signage creating confusion for operators.

This will reduce road traffic through Ravenshoe, minimise damage to the existing road network within the township, provide a safer environment for the residents and reduce confusion for transport operators.