Queensland Ambulance Service resourcing

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Gary Bullock
C/- 27 Peel Street
Total Signatures - 393
Sponsoring Member: Mark Ryan MP
Posting Date: 26/10/2009
Closing Date: 19/2/2010
Tabled Date: 23/2/2010
Responded By: Hon Neil Roberts MP on 6/4/2010
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draw to the attention of the House that the essential services provided by the Queensland Ambulance Service are a fundamental necessity that the government must provide for the people of Queensland.We recognise the exemplary performance of our ambulance professionals and the difficult circumstances in which they perform their job. In particular we recognise the communication staff of the Queensland Ambulance Service, who receives more than 860,000 calls per year, and the Patient Transport Service.Your petitioners, therefore request the House, to continue to support and adequately resource the vital role played by ambulance professionals.

Queensland Ambulance Service resourcing