Vehicle parking in the Weinam Creek area

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Linsay Hackett and Gayle Nemeth
C/ 16 Cotton Tree Avenue
Total Signatures - 1715
Sponsoring Member: Peter Dowling MP
Posting Date: 28/10/2009
Tabled Date: 28/10/2009
Responded By: Hon Desley Boyle MP on 22/12/2009
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the discriminatory treatment against the residents of the Moreton Bay Islands of Russell, Karragarra, Lamb and Macleay by the Redland City Council as expressed in its Redland Bay Centre and Foreshore Master Plan, adopted on 26 August 2009, in as much as that plan affects the parking of vehicles in the Weinam Creek area. Your petitioners therefore request the House to intervene in this matter to have the Redland City Council set aside all parts of the Redland Bay Centre and Foreshore Master Plan adopted by Council on 26 August 2009 that affect parking of vehicles in the Weinam Creek area; recognise the traditional and preeminent rights of the residents of, and visitors to, the Bay Islands of Russell, Karragarra, Lamb and Macleay to park without hindrance on the land adjoining the passenger ferry terminal and zoned as Marine Activity; and provide parking facilities on that land sufficient to accommodate the ultimate number of aforementioned users as estimated by Council, being 1,700.