Prohibit the sale of cats and dogs in pet shops

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Rachel Ballinger
14 Nyes Crescent
Total Signatures - 2597
Sponsoring Member: Steve Dickson MP
Posting Date: 12/3/2010
Closing Date: 12/9/2010
Tabled Date: 14/9/2010
Responded By: Hon Tim Mulherin MP on 12/10/2010
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the inhumanity and cruel practise of selling cats and dogs in pet shops. Outrageously, pet shops continue supplying these animals to the public. To deter unworthy pet owners from an impulsive reckless purchase, selling cats and dogs in pet shops is already illegal in some countries. Australians need to be aware. Australia has the highest rate of pet ownership in the world playing an important role in helping save these defenceless animals. Animal welfare agencies estimate that 130,000 dogs and 60,000 cats are euthanized each year in Australia. Animals are often purchased by ill-informed people who later discard their pet when they realise that pet ownership is not as easy or cheap as they thought. These people see cute animals and make a quick decision to buy, often pressurised by children, but when the same animal gets too costly, they move home, have a bigger family or the animal gets bigger than planned and just stops being cute they often resort to dumping these pets which then have to be euthanized. Additionally these young animals have often come from puppy/kitten "farms" where females are kept pregnant and reproducing for the majority of their lives. Offspring are then kept in small cages in pet shops for most of the day until sold. This petition requests the House to address this and implement change.


Your petitioners request the House to ban all pet shops from selling cats and dogs.

Prohibit the sale of cats and dogs in pet shops