Minimum safe passing distance between cyclists and motorists

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
David M Sharp
12-14 Colville Court
Total Signatures - 4751
Sponsoring Member: Julie Attwood MP
Posting Date: 25/3/2010
Closing Date: 25/6/2010
Tabled Date: 3/8/2010
Responded By: Hon Rachel Nolan MP on 7/9/2010
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the House deficiencies in the current overtaking laws in that motorists may come dangerously close to a cyclist while overtaking and at considerable speed, posing an undeniable risk and yet breach no law.Your petitioners therefore request the House to enact legislation to modify existing regulations requiring that a motorist maintain a minimum safe distance of one metre between their vehicle and a cyclist whilst overtaking. Such a measure will strengthen current laws with respect to cyclists. This proposal, by providing clear boundaries, will better serve the interests of motorists and cyclists alike.Furthermore, this proposal would also reflect the fact that it is not necessary for a motorist to collide with a cyclist in order to endanger either life or health; an anomaly that must be addressed if the government is to reduce congestion and promote cycling as a viable alternative means of transportation.I acknowledge the importance sustainable green initiatives, and due to ever increasing environmental awareness, more Queenslanders are now seeing cycling as a positive way of reducing their carbon footprint and minimizing congestion. We question how long such enthusiasm will last while the current ambiguous legislation remains unchanged. A minimum distance of one metre has the potential to maintain this momentum, as well as contributing towards the Governments Q2 initiatives, helping more Queenslanders to "get their 30 each day".

Minimum safe passing distance between cyclists and motorists