Stop Energex 110kv powerlines along the Logan River and Camp Cable Road koala corridor

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Sally Mackle
7 Rona Street
Total Signatures - 374
Sponsoring Member: Hon John Mickel MP
Posting Date: 8/4/2010
Closing Date: 30/9/2010
Tabled Date: 5/10/2010
Responded By: Hon Stephen Robertson MP on 25/10/2010
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland calls on the House to direct Energex to underground the proposed 110kv overhead powerline from Loganlea to Jimboomba substations using existing roads instead of going along and across the Logan River (many times) and through residents’ private properties. This petition is in response to community concerns that the current proposal will cause:• Environmental damage – powerline infrastructure will be a permanent, obtrusive and dangerous structure that will destroy vegetation and wildlife habitats in three bio-regional corridors (destroying 20-50ha of koala habitat, interfering with primary production and recreational industries on good quality agricultural land, causing erosion on riverbanks);• Loss of community amenity – the proposed powerline will diminish the present and future amenity of the Logan River for residents and visitors and will restrict any future recreational and other uses of this valuable and irreplaceable community asset.• Potential health and safety risks – constructing a high voltage overhead powerline along a flood prone river plain will expose residents, maintenance and emergency personnel to high risk during flooding – and the proposed new line will be unacceptably close to affected residents on Camp Cable Road posing safety risks from EMFs.• Adverse impact on property values – the proposed powerline will erode the value of residents’ properties and impact on the financial futures of residents directly affected.Your petitioners therefore request the House to direct Energex to underground the proposed 110kv overhead powerline along the Logan River and Camp Cable Road koala corridor.

Stop Energex 110kv powerlines along the Logan River and Camp Cable Road koala corridor