Upgrade the Bruce Highway (River Avenue) and the Innisfail/Japoonvale Road to Paronella Park - Cassowary Coast Region

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Mrs Meg Guarrera
PO Box 112
Total Signatures - 982
Sponsoring Member: Curtis Pitt MP
Posting Date: 9/6/2010
Tabled Date: 9/6/2010
Responded By: Hon Craig Wallace MP on 5/7/2010
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petitions of residents of Queensland draws to the attention of the House their concern that the roads from the Innisfail Information Centre, Bruce Highway (River Avenue) and the Innisfail/Japoonvale Road to Paronella Park requires urgent upgrading and widening.  Semi-trailers, trucks and caravans use these roads, which are causing major road safety and dust problems.


Paronella Park, one of Queensland's most popular tourist attractions, is situated on the Innisfail/Japoonvale Road.  Tourists travel to Paronella Park and have stated that this road is one of the worst roads to travel on.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to have this road upgraded and widened to ensure the safety of those who use this road as in the present state, an accident is just waiting to happen.