Proposed purchase of sportsground land by the Whitsunday Regional Council

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Whitsunday
Principal Petitioner:
Peter Chengody
PO Box 5011
Total Signatures - 1046
Sponsoring Member: Jan Jarratt MP
Posting Date: 15/9/2010
Tabled Date: 15/9/2010
Responded By: Hon Desley Boyle MP on 14/10/2010
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of electors of the seat of Whitsunday draws to the attention of the House that as residents and ratepayers of the Whitsunday region we are against the purchase by the Whitsunday Regional Council of the proposed sportsground land Lot 3RP742888 & Lot 35CPHR49 owned by Havengrand Pty Ltd on the grounds that:


1. The land is inappropriate for a proposed sportsground as Occupational Health and Safety, Good Quality Agricultural Land, Connectivity, Access and Planning issues to the public are paramount and will be compromised on this land.


2. The purchase price of the land exceeds at least twice the market value of the land.  It does not benefit the sporting fraternity, ratepayers and residents of the Whitsunday region.


3. The current Council had absolutely no consultation with the public and more importantly the sporting groups within the Airlie/Proserpine regions before the announcement of this purchase.


Your petitioners therefore request the House to put a stop to the purchasing of Lot 3RP742888 & Lot 35CPHR49 owned by Havengrand Pty Ltd by the Whitsunday Regional Council.