Proposed Northern Energy Corporation Limited open cut coal mine - Colton

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Stephen Harding
94 Shiplick Street
Total Signatures - 555
Sponsoring Member: Chris Foley MP
Posting Date: 27/10/2010
Tabled Date: 27/10/2010
Responded By: Hon Kate Jones MP on 29/11/2010
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the proposal of Northern Energy Corporation Limited to establish an open cut, hard-coking, coal mine at Colton on land described as EPC's 1082&923 in the Parish of Walliebum located within the Fraser Coast Shire.


Reflecting on the research emerging regarding the health of children and people exposed to the emissions from open cut coal mines, the NSW Government's decision to launch an independent investigation into the health of residents in the Singleton District, and the Gladstone Health Investigation, we request the House to consider the impact this proposed mine will have on the health and lifestyle of the residents of Aldershot, Dundathu, St Helens, Maryborough and surrounding areas and the quality of air within this Fraser Coast District, which has a reputation, not only nationally but globally, as a pristine tourist friendly destination. This proposed mine is only 3kms from the residents of Aldershot who rely on tank water for drinking, 6 kms from St Helens, Aldridge High School and 7kms from Maryborough hockey grounds where young athletes will be running around on a winter's morning breathing the fine particles of toxic coal dust that has drifted and settled on the grounds through the night. We are also concerned about the impact on the surrounding environment including Salt Water Creek, and the Susan and Mary River systems.


We the undersigned residents therefore request that the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Department of Health vote against this mining lease proposal.