Biosecurity Queensland Feral Deer Management Strategy 2010-2015 Consultation Draft

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Clark McGhie
15 McIlhatton Street
Total Signatures - 12
Sponsoring Member: Dorothy Pratt MP
Posting Date: 8/12/2010
Closing Date: 14/2/2011
Tabled Date: 16/2/2011
Responded By: Hon Tim Mulherin MP on 17/3/2011
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the current Feral Deer Management Strategy 2010-2015, consultation draft, issued by Biosecurity Queensland. Wild deer are not the problem portrayed by Biosecurity Queensland and having inaccurate and misleading information in the public domain does nothing to enhance their role in animal management


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to reconsider the aim of this document in managing wild deer in Queensland and ask that deer be recognised and retained in their historical areas.  We seek a management strategy that values deer and recognises their cultural and economic value to Queensland and we ask that the State enlists the advice and assistance of organisations such as Research into Deer Genetics and Environment Inc (RIDGE) and Australian Deer Association (ADA) to provide accurate information on how best to manage wild deer.

Biosecurity Queensland Feral Deer Management Strategy 2010-2015 Consultation Draft