Objections to the education system

Eligibility - Citizens of Queensland
Principal Petitioner:
Mrs Katrina Anderson
2 Barden Court
Total Signatures - 675
Sponsoring Member: Ray Hopper MP
Posting Date: 25/2/2003
Tabled Date: 29/4/2003
Responded By: Responded Minister on 3/6/2003
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

To the Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of

The petition of concerned citizens of Queensland draws to the attention
of the House: concerned parents/residents of Toowoomba and surrounding
districts, state their strong objections to the way our Queensland
Education Department is teaching and pushing our children in and out of
our schools. (a) Children who attend our Primary and Secondary schools
who have below average grades do not get enough support through the
Education Department and somehow get lost in the system. (b) There are
too many holidays - 7 months only at school our of 12 months; 5 months of
school holidays, public holidays, weekends and pupil free days. (c) There
is not enough qualified help in our Education System – less children per
teacher (eg classroom reduce 30 students down to 20); more qualified
specialist teachers (not just teacher aides or volunteer parents) per
classroom; backup and support for all teachers by the Education

Your petitioners therefore request the House to (a) new schools be opened
or some schools allocated to help the below average students; (b) new and
improved avenues to help below average students (c) less holidays) (d)
more teachers and qualified help for each classroom and school. Our
children and our teachers deserve more help from our Education system
that work’s for each individual’s needs as our children shapes our
society’s future.