Mining exploration permits, Darling Downs

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Glen Zimmerle
10 Yaelby Close
Total Signatures - 30
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 23/8/2011
Tabled Date: 23/8/2011
Responded By: Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Residents of the State of Queensland, and in particular the Darling Downs, draws to the attention of the House that numerous Exploration Permits for Coal have been granted in the Darling Downs region, especially on prime irrigated agricultural land surrounding Toowoomba.


All these areas are heavily populated and are expected to grow substantially in the foreseeable future.


The Darling Downs region contributes significantly to Australia's food supply and also contains the headwaters for the Murray Darling River system.


Open cut coal mining operations in the Darling Downs region would have a detrimental impact on food security, the local environment and beyond and the health of all residents.


The undersigned, therefore, request the House to stop the approval of Exploration Permits; to cancel all currently approved permits and to change legislation to prevent this anomaly from reoccuring on the Darling Downs.


We call on the Queensland Government to therefore quarantine the Darling Downs from all forms of mining in perpetuity in order to protect communities, water resources, quality agricultural and horticultural lands and the flora and fauna of this environment.