Upgrade the section of the Atherton Tablelands road from the Lake Eacham Roadhouse to Yungaburra through to Atherton

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Curly Frater
11 Rosebalde Street
Total Signatures - 4085
Sponsoring Member: Shane Knuth MP
Posting Date: 24/8/2011
Tabled Date: 24/8/2011
Responded By: Hon Craig Wallace MP on 19/9/2011
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of the residents of the Atherton Tablelands and surrounding district draws to the attention of the House that the condition of the road from the Lake Eacham Roadhouse to Yungaburra through to Atherton is in an appalling condition.  This is a major highway on the Tablelands road network.


There are 1,700 motor bike riders on the Atherton Tablelands and 7,000 from Townsville north who ride this road frequently and the condition of the road poses a tremendous danger to riders and all road users.  This road is constantly a maze of potholes, washouts, small stones with a very rough uneven surface.


The Atherton Tablelands is an important tourist destination and visitors and tourists enter the Tablelands via the Gillies Highway from the coast.  It is also the preferred route under the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme used by the sick and elderly who travel to Cairns to access medical services.


We, the residents call on the Minister for Main Roads to upgrade this section of the Atherton Tablelands road network as a matter of high priority to ensure the safety of all road users.