High-voltage powerline from Loganlea to Jimboomba substations

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Dieter Lacko
78 Glen Road
Total Signatures - 371
Sponsoring Member: Hon John Mickel MP
Posting Date: 11/10/2011
Tabled Date: 11/10/2011
Responded By: Hon Stephen Robertson MP on 31/10/2011
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents calls on the House to direct Energex not to proceed with current plans to construct an overhead high-voltage (110kV) powerline from Loganlea to Jimboomba substations, purposely following and crossing the Logan River five times and constructed through private properties for 60% of its length along the Logan River and the Camp Cable Road area, in response to community concerns the proposed overhead high-voltage powerline will cause.


• Environmental damage - infrastructure will be a permanent, obtrusive and dangerous structure that will destroy vegetation and degrade the unique habitat of the Logan River bioregional corridor and clear 42.5 hectares of koala habitat;
• Loss of community amenity - diminish the amenity of the Logan River for residents and visitors alike, restrict current and future recreational uses of this valuable and irreplaceable community asset;
• Potential health and safety risks - constructing along a flood prone river plain will expose residents, maintenance and emergency personnel to high risks during flooding; unacceptably close to homes, schools, children's sporting and recreation facilities posing potential health risks to the community;
• Adverse impact on property values - erode the value of properties and adversely impact the financial futures of those residents directly affected by the planned infrastructure.


Further we request the House direct Energex to re-evaluate options to achieve lower community and environmental impacts by co-locating this high voltage powerline on roads. Plus take into account the recent approval of Yarrabilba as a growth community and the increasing urbanisation of this region.