Reinstate bus route 257 - Ormiston to Brisbane City bus service

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Ted Kos
12 Lark Street
Total Signatures - 75
Sponsoring Member: Steve Davies MP
Posting Date: 10/7/2012
Tabled Date: 10/7/2012
Responded By: Hon Scott Emerson MP on 9/8/2012
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House that:


1.    Bus route 257 operated by Translink is a limited stops Ormiston to Brisbane City bus service that runs through the suburbs of Ormiston, parts of Wellington Point, Birkdale, Alexandra Hills, Capalaba Interchange then direct to the city.

2.    The clientele primarily comprises business travellers, ie. employees who work in the City or in the case of some specifically use the service to transfer to other Brisbane Council buses to their place of employment such as Newstead.

3.    The route 257 bus service is seen by passengers as a reliable, fast and efficient service that provides a convenient and comfortable "one seat journey" to the City.

4.    Translink "Eastern Region Bus Service Review" has targeted the route 257 for total discontinuation of service.


Your petitioners, therefore request the House to:


1.    Review the administrative decision made by the Translink Transit Authority.

2.    Rescind what we believe is an erroneous decision by the Translink Transit Authority to discontinue the route 257 bus service; and

3.    Reinstate the service forthwith.