Protest against proposed Optus installation of telecommunication antenna at 63 Kintyre Street, Brookfield

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Esther Corlett
Secretary Kenmore State High School P&C Association
Total Signatures - 548
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 16/7/2012
Closing Date: 21/8/2012
Tabled Date: 22/8/2012
Responded By: Hon Bruce Flegg MP on 21/9/2012
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that Optus plan to install mobile phone antennas at 63 Kintyre Street, Brookfield.

• The site is 115m from Kenmore State High School oval and 260m from the closest classroom.
• The oval is used daily by 1,680 students and approximately 200 volunteers/staff, it is also used as the emergency evacuation point. Enrolments increasing in 2014 when year 7 transitions to High School.
• Industry code ACIF C:564:2004 states the location is within the definition of Sensitive Area.
• A number of countries around the world have acknowledged there is sufficient uncertainty about the potential hazards associated with the widespread exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, that it is best to apply the precautionary principle.
• Optus' documented claims against ACIF C564:2004 Section 5, Application of the Precautionary Approach to Site Selection are misleading and selective, omitting important information and generating a report to sway decision makers in their favour.
• Optus claims that there are no viable alternative candidates. Optus must show proof they have tried other sites, and explain why these alternatives are less acceptable than a sensitive zone right next to a large school.
• Optus admits current coverage in the area is excellent and the site is planned for ‘future needs'.
• That being the case, Optus have the time to find a more acceptable location.


Your petitioners therefore request that the House directs Optus to select a more suitable, non-sensitive location for their Antennas.

Protest against proposed Optus installation of telecommunication antenna at 63 Kintyre Street, Brookfield