Legislate to enforce the use of tarps on QR National's coal freight trains

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
John Adermann
1 Cumberland Drive
Total Signatures - 54
Sponsoring Member: Neil Symes MP
Posting Date: 20/12/2012
Closing Date: 13/2/2013
Tabled Date: 14/2/2013
Responded By: Hon Scott Emerson MP on 18/3/2013
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House to media reports showing the effects that coal dust emissions are having on the Wynnum-Manly community and other affected towns in Queensland.


Your petitioners, therefore request the House to seek legislative measures to make QR National use tarps to cover coal freight trains to restrict coal dust emissions on route to the Port of Brisbane.

Legislate to enforce the use of tarps on QR National's coal freight trains