Manly Boat Harbour, adjacent areas and proposed harbour development

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
C Ramsay
3 Curtis Street
Total Signatures - 2457
Sponsoring Member: Hon Paul Lucas MP
Posting Date: 25/2/2003
Tabled Date: 20/8/2003
Responded By: Responded Minister on 21/11/2003
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This petition is in reference to the Manly Boat Harbour and adjacent
areas, and the proposed harbour development.
This petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the
House the proposed sale of Sate Government land and the inappropriate and
extensive multi-level residential and commercial development planned for
the reclaimed Manly Boat Harbour Precinct as prepared by Buckley Vann for
and on behalf of the Port of Brisbane Corporation.

Your petitioners therefore request the House not approve any residential
or multi-level development of the reclaimed Manly Boat Harbour Precinct;
and halts any sale of this Precinct. We request that this land is
maintained in the current state; for boating and parklands for use of the
general public.

We also request that the House protect the existing mangrove stand to the
south of the harbour area from any extensions proposed for that area. We
request that this mangrove stand and the adjourning reclaimed foreshore
be protected and given to the people as enduring parkland.