Moreton Island commercial fishing closure

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Judith Lynne
27 Corvus Drive
Cashmere QLD 4500
Total Signatures - 1103
Sponsoring Member: Seath Holswich MP
Posting Date: 12/11/2013
Closing Date: 28/2/2014
Tabled Date: 4/3/2014
Responded By: Hon John McVeigh MP on 21/3/2014
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Residents, draws to the attention of the House: that commercial fishing actions from and around Moreton Island are in conflict with recreational fishing tourism and marine park tourism from and adjacent to its shores. The intensive commercial netting activities target spawning schools of important recreational line caught species leaving very few fish for visiting anglers to catch, resulting in a severe decline in lucrative local fishing and marine park tourism.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to: close all waters to commercial fishing activities on the main island of Moreton Island and adjacent tidal flats for a distance of 200 metres from the low water mark.


Moreton Island commercial fishing closure