Queensland CANEGROWERS seek 33% cut to electricity prices for all irrigators to save farm businesses and boost Queensland's economy

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Allan Dingle
1117 Moorlands Road
Total Signatures - 264
Sponsoring Member: Stephen Bennett MP
Posting Date: 30/5/2014
Tabled Date: 30/5/2014
Responded By: Hon Mark McArdle MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the impact of 90% electricity price increases over seven years on Queensland's cane farmers and irrigators. Two-thirds of Queensland's farmers use irrigation to grow sugarcane, vegetables, cotton, nuts and other crops. These farmers are increasingly forced to reduce or remove irrigation due to rising electricity costs, which is affecting the viability of farms across Queensland while also impacting on Ergon's own revenue levels. Unless urgent action is taken to reduce electricity costs for irrigators, livelihoods and yields will be lost, making it impossible for farmers to contribute to the government's aim of doubling agricultural output by 2040.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to implement an immediate 33% reduction to principal irrigation tariffs T62, T65 and T66. We believe this action would be revenue-neutral to Ergon and the Queensland Government. The impact would be that irrigators use more power, grow more food, provide increased productivity and jobs, and deliver increased economic benefits to Queensland. Ongoing electricity prices at current or increased prices will mean irrigators of all crops across Queensland will continue to reduce or remove irrigation and their farming operations will die.