Seal the gravel section of Mt Ossa Seaforth Road, linking the Calen district with the Hibiscus Coast

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Glenn Wilson
90 Surprise Creek Road
Total Signatures - 2183
Sponsoring Member: Jason Costigan MP
Posting Date: 28/10/2014
Tabled Date: 28/10/2014
Responded By: Hon Scott Emerson MP on 24/11/2014
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House of the state of the Mt Ossa Seaforth Road, specifically an unsealed section of about nine kilometres in length, linking the Calen district with the Hibiscus Coast.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to seal the gravel section of the Mt Ossa Seaforth Road, noting that Seaforth's nearest high school, permanent ambulance station and police station is located at Calen, and that a sealed road would encourage more tourists travelling by road to visit communities such as Seaforth, Haliday Bay, Ball Bay and Cape Hillsborough National Park, which collectively make up the Hibiscus Coast.