Investigation into cause and effect of inundation of properties in the Moreton Bay Rail construction corridor

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Shane Prior
McGahey Street
Rothwell QLD 4022
Total Signatures - 313
Sponsoring Member: Chris Whiting MP
Posting Date: 16/9/2015
Tabled Date: 16/9/2015
Responded By: Hon Jackie Trad MP on 16/10/2015
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This petition of residents of the Moreton Bay Rail catchment and surrounds in the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House that in relation to the extraordinary weather event that occurred on 1 May 2015, that we, the undersigned, support a fully transparent investigation as to the effect and cause of the inundation of a large number of properties. Be it also known that we as affected residents wish to highlight our concerns as tot he unbiased nature of the investigation being conducted by SMEC due to the client contractor relationship between Theiss and SMEC.


Your petitioners request the House to require that the scope of the investigation be expanded, urgently, to include the whole of the Moreton Bay Rail construction corridor, as the storm water and overflow from the entire corridor flows into the Hayes Inlet and residents outside of the Deception Bay and Rothwell areas were also seriously impacted by the events of 1 May 2015.