Labor's Lockout Laws

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Steven Papas
6019/6 Parkland Boulevard
Brisbane City QLD 4000
Total Signatures - 847
Sponsoring Member: John-Paul Langbroek MP
Posting Date: 18/9/2015
Closing Date: 9/11/2015
Tabled Date: 10/11/2015
Responded By: Hon Yvette D'Ath MP on 10/12/2015
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House their objection to the Palaszczuk Labor Government's proposed 'Lockout Laws'; namely, the proposal of a state-wide 1am lockout and 3am closure policy in an attempt to curb alcohol fuelled violence in Queensland.

This petition recognises the success of the Safe Night Out Strategy that was implemented by the former LNP Government, which adopts a comprehensive approach to change the drinking culture through education and awareness, introduces tougher penalties and targeted policing for people who do the wrong thing and creates safe and supportive environments in which local residents as well as interstate and international visitors can have a safe night out.

The Safe Night Out strategy was also drafted with the input of Queenslanders, through two extensive public consultation periods and focuses on individual responsibility, rather than punishing the majority for the sins of a few . It is a comprehensive approach to tackling drug and alcohol related violence and make our entertainment precincts safer for people to enjoy a night out.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to retain the Safe Night Out Strategy in its current form and reject Labor's simplistic and short-sighted 'Lockout Laws' proposal.

Labor's Lockout Laws