New Police Station - Ormeau

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Richard O'Leary
PO Box 6246
Total Signatures - 413
Sponsoring Member: Mark Boothman MP
Posting Date: 3/2/2016
Closing Date: 9/5/2016
Tabled Date: 10/5/2016
Responded By: Hon Bill Byrne MP on 10/6/2016
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House to the need for the construction of a new Police Station in the suburb of Ormeau to service this growing community.


The vast Ormeau region has seen an ever increasing growth in population over recent years and it is therefore put to the House to urgently increase policing resources and station them at a newly constructed facility at the northern area of the Gold Coast in Ormeau.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to construct a new Police Station in the suburb of Ormeau.

New Police Station - Ormeau