Creation and implementation of a community driven Master Plan for The Spit, Gold Coast

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
David Hutley
74/22 Montgomery Avenue
Main Beach QLD 4217
Total Signatures - 554
Sponsoring Member: John-Paul Langbroek MP
Posting Date: 2/8/2016
Closing Date: 16/9/2016
Tabled Date: 11/10/2016
Responded By: Hon Jackie Trad MP on 7/11/2016
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Citizens draws to the attention of the House to the visual, environmental, social, tourist and economic importance of The Spit to the City of Gold Coast and the importance of presenting the best image for Queensland for the 2018 Commonwealth Games and into the future.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to facilitate the creation and implementation of a community driven Master Plan for this area, based on and respecting previous and existing plans and studies, eg. GCCC Town Plan, 2020 Vision Study, Federation Walk Management Plan, Urbis Gold Coast Broadwater Economic Assessment, etc. It is proposed that, as the State Government is custodian of this area then the State Government is the body responsible for the creation and implementation of the Master Plan to give a framework within which to make decisions and to give certainty to the public ownership and use of the area. A recent Gold Coast Business Survey showed 86% of the business respondents wanted such a management plan to give certainty and in excess of 99% of 500 local residents who attended a forum held on 24/7/16 also supported this position. Consequently the petitioners request the House to expeditiously address this request for a Master Plan for The Spit.

Creation and implementation of a community driven Master Plan for The Spit, Gold Coast