Say no to Queensland abortion law reforms that do not protect women, allow abortion to full term and limit free speech

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Wendy Francis
PO Box 6347
Total Signatures - 31735
Sponsoring Member: Dr Mark Robinson MP
Posting Date: 13/9/2016
Closing Date: 13/2/2017
Tabled Date: 14/2/2017
Responded By: Hon Yvette D'Ath MP on 16/3/2017
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House our strong opposition to MP Rob Pyne's second attempt to weaken Queensland's abortion laws with the Health (Abortion Law Reform) Amendment Bill 2016. Following on from strong public rejection of Mr Pyne's first bill and the committee's recommendation that it fail, his second bill again disregards public opinion and global trends, allowing late term abortion for viable babies and adding exclusion zones which effectively limit free speech for doctors, nurses, hospital staff and the public.


This bill appears to contradict itself and disregards the seriousness of the issue it addresses. Whilst stating that abortions must be performed by a doctor the bill also allows women to perform their own abortion. It ignores community calls for independent counselling and protections for women. The first inquiry heard from medical experts that abortion is readily accessible under the current Queensland law, with around 10,000 per year performed and with no person ever being convicted under the law. Experts testified that the child in the womb is human, and deserving of human rights.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:

  • honour their pre-election pledges to the people of Queensland stating publicly that they would not change current abortion laws

  • respect the health and rights of women and the unborn to be protected

  • respect the right of medical staff and the public to freedom of speech

  • reject this irresponsible bill which allows 'backyard' self-administered abortions

  • reject this anti-woman, anti-foetus, hastily and ill-conceived abortion bill.

Say no to Queensland abortion law reforms that do not protect women, allow abortion to full term and limit free speech