Bowen Hospital Services

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Burdekin
Principal Petitioner:
Kerry Meier
C/- Bowen Tourism & Business
Total Signatures - 1256
Sponsoring Member: Dale Last MP
Posting Date: 14/9/2016
Tabled Date: 14/9/2016
Responded By: Hon Cameron Dick MP on 4/10/2016
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of electors of the Division of Burdekin draws to the attention of the House the loss of services from the bowen Hospital, particularly maternity services.


Pregnant women have to leave their homes, sometimes for many weeks awaiting the birth of their child. This has a negative financial and emotional impact on local families, increasing risk to the baby and mother. The mother is forced to be away from her support network of family and friends for extended periods of time during a time when her need for this support is at its highest.


Antenatal and postnatal care is also affected when mothers have to travel to access professionals away from home. The financial strain that constant travel places on families often deters mothers from participating in a thorough care program decreasing the success of these programs. Continuity of care is affected if the mother can access antenatal or postnatal care locally, but not deliver locally.


The loss of maternity services has had a flow on effect with the community suffering professional losses as a result of qualified staff and their families having to leave town to pursue their chosen careers, and economic losses with patients having to travel away to access adequate medical services.


Your petitioners therefore request the House investigate the return of services, particularly maternity services to the Bowen hospital providing a safer maternity model for Bowen families.