Advancing Eastern Standard Time by 30 minutes

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Graeme Brittenden
10 Albert Place
Total Signatures - 226
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 30/11/2016
Closing Date: 15/3/2017
Tabled Date: 21/3/2017
Responded By: Hon Yvette D'Ath MP on 20/4/2017
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that the Queensland economy is burdened with extra costs ($4.35 billion per annum according to the CCIQ Report December 2010) when clocks on the east coast are not synchronised.

Our time zones need a fix - what worked in 1894 doesn't work now. Daylight Saving in its present form is no friend of Queensland. However, advancing our clocks by only 30 minutes a day, forever, and having the clocks on the eastern seaboard never change again is far more attuned to modem expectations.

• Our State economy will stop haemorrhaging - and start growing.
• New jobs would be created.
• Airline schedules would make more sense.
• Chaos on our border with NSW disappears.
• Scheduling inter-state conference calls is simplified.
• Meeting southern delivery time-restraints is easier for our truckies.
• Scheduling media presentation of programmes and major sporting events would be streamlined.
• It is a very simple but life changing proposal.
• It would improve the way we work and live and that is just the start.


Your petitioners request the House to ensure that:

1. clocks on the eastern seaboard remain permanently synchronised and,
2. there are no more than three time zones in Australia.


We further request the House to seek:

• a mandate to advance E.S.T. in Queensland by 30 minutes, thereby encompassing all population centres and cities including Brisbane, and
• the contemporaneous agreement of their southern counterparts to legislate likewise and to abandon DST.

Advancing Eastern Standard Time by 30 minutes