Rethink mosque to save Brisbane's biodiversity areas and Bulimba Creek

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Jason Song
PO Box 8362
Total Signatures - 3667
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 19/5/2017
Closing Date: 15/6/2017
Tabled Date: 22/8/2017
Responded By: Hon Jackie Trad MP on 20/9/2017
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the proposed massive mosque development (4,649m2 building and 397 car parks) at 161/161A Underwood Rd was approved without sufficient regard to the:

·         high ecological significance of the site;

·         impact on Bulimba Creek and its diversified habitats;

·         concerns of local residents about traffic, noise, off-street car parking and safety issues.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:

·         work collaboratively with Brisbane City Council (BCC) to urgently take necessary measures to ensure that the Natural Assets Local Law are enforced to:

o    protect and conserve the natural bushland, flora and fauna on the property;

o    protect every part of Bulimba Creek flowing directly through the property;

·         ensure that BCC has in every way complied, and is complying with, the local government principles in the Local Government Act 2009, particularly in relation to effective community consultation and transparent decision making:

o    when assessing development applications and related appeal processes that involve social inclusion and public interest issues;

o    when considering the acquisition of high ecologically significant property using the Bushland Preservation Levy to facilitate sustainable development;


Rethink mosque to save Brisbane's biodiversity areas and Bulimba Creek