Beerburrum community rejecting proposed extension of Burrum Quarry

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Heather Cardaci
3 Church Street
Total Signatures - 647
Sponsoring Member: Steve Dickson MP
Posting Date: 24/8/2017
Closing Date: 5/10/2017
Tabled Date: 10/10/2017
Responded By: Hon Jackie Trad MP on 9/11/2017
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the application for Burrum Quarry, Beerburrum-Woodford Road, Beerburrum and the reasons to oppose that application include:


1. Residential homes on Cobb & Co Crescent, Carriage Crescent, Eaton Road and Beerburrum-Woodford Road are only 1.2km from the extension of the proposed quarry site which is only gazetted as a gravel pit.

2. Noise impact from blasting, crushing machinery with 150 truck movements daily through Beerburrum Township and Glasshouse District affecting schools, retirement villages, tourism, agri-business and existing infrastructure.

3. Beerburrum Mountain is part of the heritage listed Glasshouse Mountains area, an important link to our nation's history as part of the Mathew Flinders Heritage Trial, and must be protected from destruction.

4. Road infrastructure, including a small railway bridge, is suffering greatly and is the only northern access to Beerburrum for vehicles, pedestrians and emergency vehicles.

5. No benefit to the Beerburrum Community regarding jobs as workers are on contract with Barro Group P/L.

6. HQ Plantations Pty Ltd currently lease the surrounding pine forest. They've advised they will harvest trees which will remove the current sound barrier between the houses and the proposed quarry extension.

7. Beerburrum State School would face hazard and safety issues from 150 truck movements daily.

8. The proposed quarry site is located within traditional lands of the Jimbara and Gubbi Gubbi people. There has been no consultation with these groups.


Your petitioners therefore request the House to cause a call in and rejection of this application.

Beerburrum community rejecting proposed extension of Burrum Quarry