Support for the Sunshine Coast's community program StandBy Suicide Bereavement Response Service

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
J & R Gray
Caloundra Life Beyond Suicide Support Group Sunshine Coast
Total Signatures - 923
Sponsoring Member: Cate Molloy MP
Posting Date: 18/5/2004
Tabled Date: 18/5/2004
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petitions of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the
attention of the House the recent oversight in relation to the ongoing
support for the essential community program StandBy Suicide Bereavement
Response Service, auspiced By. Noosa Youth Services Inc. A bereavement
help organisation to those directly affected by the aftermath of Suicide.
This unit is the main first contact point for residents within the whole
of the Cooloola, Noosa, Maroochydore and Caloundra City Shires. Expert
counselling at the scene or home of those affected by the death arrange
for ongoing support and organising those things that need to be done now,
eg cleaning, removal of items so the location is not so traumatic for
relatives/friends. The introduction of a hot line phone number for
instant support. StandBy have organised the Sunshine Coast's support
groups where adults and children can safely meet in their own groups to
discuss the dramatic affect that the death of a loved one has had on them
and their families lives and everyday living. The result of withdrawing
support has meant minimal services. No face to face support, no paid
counsellors, reduced hotline hours.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to reconsider your decision
on funding of such a vital community service. One that is not duplicated
by any other means. With the help of the Ministers we prayerfully request
the ability to make this project a life line for all those so tragically
affected by suicide on the Sunshine Coast. We respectfully request you
consider making this project a part of the State of Queensland's ongoing
fight in this year of the child.