Energex to reconsider its proposal to construct an overhead double circuit 110kV power line from Lytton Substation to the site of the future Fisherman Islands Substation

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
D Walsh
40 Constellation Way
Total Signatures - 1689
Sponsoring Member: Paul Lucas MP
Posting Date: 17/6/2004
Tabled Date: 17/6/2004
Responded By: Responded Minister on 7/7/2004
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the
attention of the House the proposal by Energex to construct an overhead
double circuit 11OkV power line up to 30 metres high, from Lytton
Substation to the site of the future Fisherman Islands Substation, to be
commissioned by June 2005. The petition also draws to the attention of
the House, the significant pollutant particle fallout in the Wynnum and
Lytton area due to proximity to a number of industrial facilities. The
National Pollutant Inventory reports an estimated 400,000 kilograms of
fine particles were emitted in the Wynnum area during the 2002-2003
reporting year. Evidence shows that the proposed power line will have
detrimental health effects for residents due to pollutant particles
becoming charged by the power line and consequently having a much higher
probability of sticking in the lung.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to ensure that Energex
reconsiders its proposal in the interests of public safety, and installs
the power line along a route or in a manner that does not represent a
further hazard to the residents of Wynnum and Lytton.