Stop the regulation of Gel Blaster Toys

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Craig Bainbridge
PO Box 52
Total Signatures - 11049
Sponsoring Member: Mr Nick Dametto MP
Posting Date: 21/2/2020
Closing Date: 16/3/2020
Tabled Date: 17/3/2020
Responded By: Hon Mark Ryan MP on 16/4/2020
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the Government’s proposal to regulate gel blaster toys by classifying them as a replica firearm, which will effectively lead to them being banned. The government are proposing the ‘toy” exemption be removed from the Weapons Categories Regulation 1997, which will ban any gel blaster or other toy gun that have a military appearance and are sold at mainstream toy retailers. There are already a multitude of laws that can deal with offences relating to the misuse of gel blasters.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to reject the proposal for the regulation of gel blasters and that the “toy” exemption remains in the Weapons Categories Regulation 1997.