Immediate alteration of overtaking lanes and speed limit at the Kuranda end of the Kuranda Range Road (KRR), Kennedy Highway

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Melissa Clinton
16 Walnut Close
Total Signatures - 1076
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 8/7/2020
Closing Date: 8/8/2020
Tabled Date: 11/8/2020
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP on 10/9/2020
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the multiple negative effects of the 80 kph double (4 lanes) overtaking lanes at the location. Cassowary deaths in this wildlife corridor are highly significant, ruinous and damaging to both community mental health and our tourism potential. In less than six months three “Endangered” (EPBC Act 1999 and Nature Conservation Act 1992 Qld) cassowary sibling chicks have been killed by motorists in this location and a breeding pair both continue to cross here multiple times per day.

Although TMR states there is “no technical justification for changing the speed limit at this location”, we the undersigned decree that there are moral and duty-of-care obligations that prove that the ‘technical’ facts are morally and legally unambiguous. It is clear that avoiding cassowaries, whilst navigating overtaking drivers in both directions at 80 kph+ is impossible, distressing and dangerous to motorists and cassowaries.

Your petitioners therefore, request the House to direct TMR to immediately rectify this threatening situation and mitigate the risks by:

  • altering the overtaking lanes – making the outside lines ‘slow vehicle turnout lanes’ whilst directing traffic to the inner lanes for 60 kph thoroughfare
  • reduce the speed limit from 80 kph to 60 kph to remain consistent with the rest of the KRR through to the Kuranda/Myola Road traffic lights
  • investigate additional ‘intelligent’ wildlife safety solutions leading up to this location, and
  • monitor driver behaviour and cassowary crossing points (Latch, 2007)

until a final decision is made regarding the route.