Opposition to the proposed development in the Cooloola Recreation Area of the Great Sandy National Park

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Matthew Noffke
PO Box 1054
Total Signatures - 4842
Sponsoring Member: Mr Michael Berkman MP
Posting Date: 11/8/2021
Closing Date: 11/2/2022
Tabled Date: 22/2/2022
Responded By: Hon Meaghan Scanlon MP on 24/3/2022
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that the proposed development of the Cooloola Great Walk in the Cooloola Recreation Area of the Great Sandy National Park is inappropriate, unnecessary, and works to segregate community members by providing exclusive 'high end' infrastructure and services.

While we support Indigenous management, rangers programs and cultural experiences, we oppose within all National Parks and Recreation Areas: 

1. All non-essential built infrastructure.

2. Any commercial activities that require built infrastructure. 

3. Any new accommodation precinct, structure, or service.

4. Any proposal that segregates members of the community based on their financial position.

The Recreation Area is currently accessible to anyone willing to experience it. The spending of millions of dollars to cater for 5,500 out of over 300,000 park users is a gross misuse of public funds. Commercial enterprises seeking to profit from ecotourism experiences may consider the ample freehold land surrounding the National Park that is available for purchase. Increased visitor numbers can easily be achieved by using existing infrastructure, improved management practices, and helping advocate for a long overdue international World Heritage listing.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to oppose and disallow all plans for the proposed development within the Cooloola Recreation Area of the Great Sandy National Park.