Dedicated northbound slip lane to Norfolk Village

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Tania Dell'Amico
11 Conebush Circuit
Total Signatures - 39
Sponsoring Member: Mr Michael Crandon MP
Posting Date: 18/11/2021
Tabled Date: 17/11/2021
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP on 16/12/2021
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House, the urgent need to ensure there is a dedicated slip lane from the northbound Exit 41 (Yatala South) to Norfolk Village, included in the planned upgrade of Exit 41. 

Residents in this area attended a community consultation on Wednesday September 29th, co-hosted by Federal Member for Forde Bert van Manen, Gold Coast Division 1 Councillor Mark Hammel and a representative for Member for Coomera Michael Crandon. Despite several requests to the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Transport and Main Roads Minister, Hon Mark Bailey, to send representatives. However, the Minister has advised that community consultation will not be reopened and officers from TMR were unable to attend the community session on 29 September 2021.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all in its power to ensure the Department of Transport and Main Roads re-commence the community consultation process, that was not properly conducted previously, for the Exit 41 upgrade with a view to considering a slip lane from the northbound Exit 41 to the Norfolk Village residential area.