Termination of the appointment of the Chair of the Crime and Corruption Commission, Mr Alan MacSporran QC

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Greg Williams
3227 Moggill Road
Total Signatures - 680
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 17/1/2022
Closing Date: 27/5/2022
Tabled Date: 21/6/2022
Responded By: Hon Shannon Fentiman MP on 21/7/2022
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House the findings and unsatisfactory recommendation of the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee (PCCC) in its tabled report "Inquiry into the Crime and Corruption Commission's investigation of former councillors of Logan City Council; and related matters".

Counsel Assisting the PCCC submitted that it was open to the PCCC to recommend to the House that the appointment of the Crime and Corruption Commission Chair, Mr Alan MacSporran QC, be terminated. The PCCC declined to make the recommendation to the House despite the PCCC finding that:

Finding 14

“The committee finds that as Chairperson, Mr Alan MacSporran QC, did not ensure that the Crime and Corruption Commission acted, at all times relevant to the matters the subject of the inquiry resolution, independently and impartially. That failing is serious and reflects poorly on the Crime and Corruption Commission.

(Based on Counsel Assisting Available Finding 13)”

Further adverse findings against Mr MacSporran and other CCC officers may be found in the report.

The PCCC's failure to recommend the termination of Mr MacSporran is inconsistent with: 

  1. The PCCC's functions under section 292 of the Crime and Corruption Act (CCA). 
  2. The seriousness of the findings against Mr MacSporran and other CCC officers that may include breaches of the Queensland Criminal Code (viz. sections 92, 92A, 200 and 132).
  3. Reasonable public expectations.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to take notice of the serious adverse finding against Mr MacSporran and other Crime and Corruption Commission officers.