The use of residential housing as rehabilitation centres for criminals and violent mental health consumers

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Cameron Wright
41 Casuarina Drive
Total Signatures - 1417
Sponsoring Member: Mr Les Walker MP
Posting Date: 8/4/2022
Closing Date: 31/5/2022
Tabled Date: 21/6/2022
Responded By: Hon Leanne Linard MP on 21/7/2022
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the intention of NSW based company CASPA (entity/company) (ABN: 78 263 985 795) to establish a home to provide services for juvenile offenders/juvenile mental health consumers with a history of violence at 39 Casuarina Drive, Annandale, Townsville.

Further, said company has progressed this plan without undertaking any consultation to ascertain the views of local residents in the Mundingburra State electorate on the proposal. 

Local residents are rightfully fearful of CASPA’s plans due to the daily reports of violent criminal acts perpetrated by juveniles in this community. This is compounded by the recent history of numerous failures associated with such juvenile offender initiatives as ‘bail houses’, transition accommodation and so on.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:

1. Immediately intervene to ensure CASPA or any other entity is not funded to provide State of Queensland funded programs/services to juvenile offenders/juvenile mental health consumers with a history of violence at 39 Casuarina Drive, Annandale, Townsville without clear evidence of support from local residents for this to occur; and

2. In the interests of transparency and to avoid community alarm, CASPA be required to provide full details of all purchased properties in the City of Townsville that are or may be used for the purpose outlined in (1) above.