Minister Steven Miles MP and Minister Meaghan Scanlon MP to take action and protect the residents of Ipswich from toxic landfills

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Gary Duffy
723 Clarendon Road
Total Signatures - 1026
Sponsoring Member: Mr Steve Andrew MP
Posting Date: 11/4/2022
Closing Date: 31/5/2022
Tabled Date: 21/6/2022
Responded By: Hon Meaghan Scanlon MP on 21/7/2022
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House that the primary role of government is service delivery and to provide a healthy and safe environment for people to live in. The right to a healthy environment has been integrated into over 150 legal frameworks around the world; the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) protects human rights, reflecting international laws. Under the Queensland Act, it is unlawful for a public entity to make a decision in a way that is not compatible with human rights, or to fail to give proper consideration to human rights in making a decision, failure to take action is a failure to do what is required as a Minister in the Queensland Government. 

In Ipswich tens of thousands of complaints are about the stink, the pollution and the damage to the environment. People are imprisoned in their homes due to the toxic air pollution and cannot exit them at times without vomiting due to the stink. Residents and children risk their health every day due to the toxic air they are forced to breath.  

Minister Steven Miles MP and Minister Meaghan Scanlon MP have a duty to the residents of Ipswich and of Queensland as a whole to ensure a healthy and safe environment for people to live.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to pass a motion to call on Ministers Steven Miles MP and Minister Meaghan Scanlon MP to take action and protect the local government residents of Ipswich from environmental harm.