Recognise Fortitude Valley as Queensland's first Special Entertainment Precinct

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
David Hinchliffe
Central Ward Office Shop 22 & 23
Total Signatures - 4446
Sponsoring Member: Andrew Fraser MP
Posting Date: 7/10/2004
Closing Date: 21/2/2005
Tabled Date: 22/2/2005
Responded By: Margaret Keech on 12/4/2005
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draw the attention of the House that Fortitude Valley has become Brisbane’s Entertainment Precinct
and should be acknowledged as such in the State Liquor Act.

Petitioners therefore request that the State Government consider changes which would formally recognise the Valley as
Queensland’s first Special Entertainment Precinct with changes to the Act which would allow:

• An increased standard noise level for licensed entertainment venues in this precinct.
• Noise levels to be standardised at the perimeter of the licensed area
• The increased noise level to apply until at least 1 am
• Different fines to apply depending on when breaches occur
• Two or more separate residential complaints required before enforcement action is taken.

Recognise Fortitude Valley as Queensland's
first Special Entertainment Precinct:
Requesting changes to the State Liquor Act